I’m all in, but only by His strength!

Why I decided to add a new blog.
January 28, 2009, 11:23 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Hey all!  My first blog was such a hit I thought I would continue my success although in a very different way.  As enjoyable as it is to poke fun at the amusing daily happenings of my life I would also like to share with you, my close friends and family, my daily struggles as well as encouragements that I get from being a follower and child of the living God, the LORD Jesus Christ.  As both aspects of my life affect me greatly I would like to share both with you.  When considering adding this to my other blog, the diaries of a trailer park princess I decided it best to keep my story of walking into the guys restroom separate from my walk with Christ.  I thought it would be awesome to have a whole blog devoted to how great God is and all that He is doing in my life because He is my life and it is a pleasure to serve Him and encourage others to walk more worthy of Him daily.  I’d like to share the blessings, the growth, the correction and all the other happenings all of which are a very big and important part of my life and hopefully encourage others through it and spurn you all to godliness and further sanctification.  So here it is…

I call it “I’m all in, but only by His strength.”  And here’s why!  I know that God has me here for a reason otherwise the moment I was saved I would have had a first class ticket to heaven.  I know that purpose is for me to live out the time God has blessed me with being sanctified by His word (John 17:17), serving Him fully and growing in His ways by knowing and obeying what His word says, making disciples and most importantly, I believe, sharing the gospel to find my family in Christ and get this plan finished already (no sooner than God has ordained of course, all in His timing).  I know that it is only by God’s strength and enabling that I even  able to desire to do these things and most certainly that they are actually being accomplished through me (John 15:5, Philippians 1:6, Ephesians 2:8-10).  Praise the LORD!  It is also because of this that I am able to say that “I’m all in” and that my life belongs to Christ and to serving Him to the fullest in every aspect of my life.  It is also safe to say that apart from Christ I am a complete failure and that anything good I have ever done and ever will do is by His strength and enabling.  All honor and glory is His.  Hence the reason for the name of my blog.  

Oh yeah, I chose the grass motif because i wanted to capture the essence of growth.  It is by the word of God that believers grow and are conformed to the image of Christ and it is a daily process that all believers are actively involved in until the day they die and are face to face with the Lord.  It is for this reason that the theme of my blog is not only that I am all in but also the growth that God is producing in my Life.  1 Corinthians 3:7 “So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.”

I would venture to say that much of what I will be saying in this blog will be offensive to many if not all who read it because to the best of my ability (that is relying on God and the knowledge of Him that has been granted to me through scripture) I will try to keep the leaven (my own understanding) out and it will be based on scripture, and I know that the word of God offends.  It is not my goal to offend however, just to encourage and challenge.  Challenge in the hope that we will all seek to further understand God and His word and to know what we believe and why we believe it by God’s word.  So…Buckle up!  Because…I’m all in!

Hello world!
January 28, 2009, 2:12 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

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