I’m all in, but only by His strength!

Update on the brights.
February 24, 2009, 6:01 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I am so excited about this opportunity to talk to the brights.  Next Wednesday night at their next meeting Jonathan and I get to do a presentation for all of the members and then probably have open discussion or question and answer to follow.  Our presentation will include the gospel and a basic overview of what Christians believe.  I will be presenting the gospel and i am so excited because it is for sharing the gospel that we are attending these meetings and it is my prayer that God would prepare their hearts and use us to spread the gospel to these people and that we would be used in their lives.  Hopefully that God would save them and grant them repentance,  even if only one our time would not be in vain.  

I just ask for your prayers as we are preparing this presentation that we would represent Christ rightly and that we would stick to God’s word and that this time would be well spent, pleasing and glorifying to Him.  Please pray for us that we would be bold.  

I know that God’s word accomplishes what it is sent out to accomplish and that it does not return to Him void.  As i am reviewing and studying the gospel i’ll be adding it to my blog for all of you to see.  I hope it sharpens us all.  Love you all.  I’m praying for you please be praying for me.  


February 20, 2009, 6:35 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Recently my friend Jonathan and I have had an amazing opportunity and open door if you will to be light to the Cal Poly Brights.  “What is a bright?” you might ask.  Well, Bright is a new term coined in 2003 for those people who have a naturalistic world view.  The club at school likes to consider themselves as a type of bridge group between spiritual believers and atheists/agnostics.  Many of the members of the Brights club at school also belong to the secular society club.  

Anyway it’s a really good opportunity for us to go and represent Christ and to share His truth correctly and in love.  If anything it is a great opportunity to be sharpened in the gospel.  So far we have had the opportunity to share our basic theology explain to them a little about faith and various other topics.  Not only that but we were invited to the secular society club meeting next week to share our side on what I guess they would call chaos theory.  Basically they want us to explain our beliefs on trying to explain how since we believe God created everything and since everything is so complex how much more complex God is since He made it all.

Also another hopefully great opportunity that may stem from this is that I saw a girl in the meeting from one of my classes and now she knows i’m a Christian and where I stand with all that so hopefully it will open the door to share the gospel with her and hopefully have some awesome conversations and be used by the LORD.  May His will be done.

I ask that you just pray for us please that there would be open doors here and great opportunities to share the gospel with these people.  That we would stand firmly in the word of God and not rely on our own understanding nor to resort to intellectual or scientific debates because I know that only by God’s word will they be saved not by our words.  Thank you for all your prayers.  I love you all.  Pray for me, I’m praying for you.  

love, Chelsea

The struggle between flesh and spirit!
February 20, 2009, 1:36 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

This one has been a work in progress for a few weeks.  As most of you may know I used to be a frequent attender of thursday country line dance night at the graduate (a local 18 and over night hang out) and you probably also know that I stopped going I would say about two years ago.  Because of a lack of boldness in the past I failed to mention that the reason I stopped going was due to the bad fellowship that I was getting there.  Although my motives were not to go to get picked up on or specifically to get attention from others for something that I was actually pretty good at they also were ungodly in that my motives were not to share the gospel with the many people that attend that are not saved.  I was going to have fellowship with all these people who I truly have nothing in common with scripture even says that unbelievers are haters of God.  Why do I want to hang out with those who hate my Father.  God calls believers to be separated from unbelievers, and this is why I stopped going line dancing.  

There is a great sermon by A. W. Pink on God’s call to believers not to be unequally yolked together with unbelievers, to be completely separate from them.  I encourage you all to read it because it is a biblical argument for believers not to have fellowship with unbelievers.  http://www.sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=1124  Psalm one says we are blessed if we do not walk on the same path as the ungodly, we are supposed to stay as far as possible from the path.  Also another good scripture is 1 Corinthians 15:33 and there are so many more.  

I do not believe that believers should be completely separated from unbelievers.  I firmly hold that God puts us in places with unbelievers such as school and work for evangelism purposes and that we are sent to be among them but not of them.  We are to be around them to share the gospel with them but not to just be buddy buddy to them.  We are not to be influenced by their bad habits but rather to be light to them and call them to repentance.  We have no other purpose for them but to proclaim the gospel to them.

I recently went back to the graduate after not having been in the last two years.  It was after all this that I felt the conviction to call you all to this calling of God to be separated from unbelievers.  It was then also that I re-realized my initial purposes for my discontinued attendance.  I realized how different sanctification makes you from the world how joyful and truly alive believers are compared to the spiritually dead people in the world.  I am exposed to unbelievers daily at school and in everyday tasks but it didn’t really hit me.  It is truly heartbreaking.  As I was at the graduate I recalled past memories of the liveliness of the dancing and the fun and this time it wasn’t fun it had somewhat of a sadness to it like all the people there were not having as much fun as they used to, the liveliness seemed almost completely extinct.  It was as if they were aware of their future.  Now this very well could be my own perception as if the spiritual growth in my life over the past few years had made me less joyful from such fellowship and therefore I saw it differently.  But I don’t know.  This is just some food for thought.  

I hope for you all to be in the word.  May God bless you!  Pray for me, i’m praying for you.  

much love in Christ,


The command to rest.
February 16, 2009, 7:32 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Yeaterday morning in the sermon pastor Tim spoke on genesis 1:31-2:3.  He spoke to us about God’s day of rest after He had made the entire world and how He commands us to do the same thing.  Can you believe it God commands us to rest.  Who would have thought?  Well we already knew…it is the fourth commandment.  We just need a little reminder every once and a while.  Pastor Tim said that as the commanded day of rest for us was intended for us as a gift and we have a knack of turning it into a burden.  We are so go, go, go wanting to get things done that we don’t take the time to sit back relax and reflect on the things God has done for us and to read His word and truly know who He not by what we think with our natural minds but rather by scripture and who He says He is.  It was very convicting.  Not only do I not set aside the time to read scripture enough but I also fail to reflect on what I do read and how amazing God is and how He is so worthy of my entire life.  So much more growth is needed in my life but praise God He is doing it.  God bless you all and please pray for me.  I’m praying for you.
